Our political party leanings should not keep law breakers and violence promoters from being held accountable for their actions.
May our US laws hold true, may there be accountability, and may we as a nation clean up this mess and build a better future. May our focus be on creating health and building up our people and infrastructure, harnessing the wind/sun/water for energy.
May we value our children by giving their parents/teachers/health providers the education/tools/infrastructure to keep them healthy and growing into caring citizens for OUR future.
May we support liberty, justice, and freedom with accountability for all our businesses, citizens and guests.
May we continue this experiment known as the United States and continue to work towards a more perfect union.
May ALL citizens and guests be given autonomy and rights over their OWN bodies, and accountability to realize their personal rights do not include access to other peoples’ bodies.
May ALL US citizens be free to practice (or not practice) any faith they feel called towards.
May ALL US citizens and guests be held accountable for their individual actions – from the white/black hooded characters bashing business windows in the dead of night, to the president of the US inciting his followers to violence against the vice president and our constitution.
May ALL businesses in US jurisdiction be part of the solution of economic stability by paying their employees a living wage in the area of the country in which they are employed, providing working conditions and benefits that they as owners would be happy to work in.
Our service members know that with great freedom comes great responsibility. May we as a nation push through the growing pains of our (seemingly) teenage rebellious years, and move on towards maturity as a nation, becoming a leader in thought and in deed.
Barb Hughes